This is my favorite when I go to teppanyaki, and I was surprised how easy it is to recreate. Also very cheap since Trader Joe's had 2 good size tuna steaks in the freezer section for about $5. Can't beat that!
Start out with the mustard sauce:
1 1/2 tablespoons powdered mustard
2 tablespoons hot water
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 clove garlic peeled (can substitute garlic powder to taste/consistency)
2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds (optional - I did not use)
Start out mixing the mustard and water into a paste. It you are including the fresh ingredients (garlic and sesame seeds) put this paste in a blender and blend all ingredients together. Since I was using garlic powder I just stirred it into the bowl.
Here is my finished mustard sauce. It has a good bite to it, and next time I think I would opt to include the fresh ingredients as well for a thicker sauce.
Marinade your tuna steak in an equal mixture of oil (preferably sesame but any will do) and soy sauce and a bit of garlic powder. Here I used 2 tablespoons each of oil and soy sauce. Flip 3-4 times over the course of about an hour.
Note: Feel free to add in ginger, green onion, lime juice, or anything else you would like to give your fish more flavor.
When you're ready to sear it make sure your pan is really hot. Once you lay the fish down keep a close eye on the clock. I like my fish rare on the inside so I gave it about 1 1/2 minutes on each side.
If you like your tuna steak rare this is what it should look like on the inside. Enjoy!