Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kale Chips

So if you know me at all I tend to go through phases with foods that can last anywhere from a few days to a week. I get really into a certain food or type of food and that's all I want until that phase is over with. Very weird, I know. Lately (I think all thanks to Michael and my parents) I've started to go into a healthy phase. So until I'm through this phase I'll try to share some recipes that are much healthier than my normal sugary desserts. The first recipe of this health "series" will be kale chips. I'd heard about kale chips on several blogs and thought they sounded pretty interesting. I finally got the motivation to try them out tonight. They're pretty awesome and with a few more test tries they may even rival potato chips AND they're so healthy!

Okay so it looks kinda weird in this picture but don't be intimidated - it's quite good!

I happened to see a bag of ready to eat kale chips at Trader Joe's so I thought I'd take the lazy route, but feel free to buy the kale by the bunch.

Separate the leaf from the stem and throw away the stem. Feel free to use however much kale you want. Although keep in mind, the kale bakes down a little so while it may look like a lot I chomped down on 4/5 of the amount shown above in about 3 minutes. 

Lay the kale out on a baking sheet with parchment paper (next time I'll try putting foil  underneath because my baking sheet got a bit messy.)

Next, drizzle some olive oil on the kale. I put a bit too much so I'd recommend trying to use a cooking brush so the oil is more evenly spread. Next, you have two options..what I did was divide the kale in half and lightly sprinkles some salt over one half and drizzled soy sauce on the other half. I'd recommend trying both your first time in case you happen to like one more than the other. I'd say I liked the soy sauce better but it will really depend on what you like.

Finally, put the baking sheet in the oven at 350 degrees from anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes. Some of the recipes I saw said to wait until they're starting to brown on the outsides, but not to overcook them. I just kept opening the oven and trying a piece until it was a crunchy consistency. Take them out and they're ready to eat!

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